06 de maig 2008

Divendres 9, Sant Schuman ...

... sense rés d'especial, sembla: wait and see !
Per curiositat, un link a la seva Fundació, un "think tank" francès ...

... i una referència a l'acte d'ahir dilluns, a l'Ateneu de la Caixa Laietana, on es va inaugurar l'exposició itinerant de la Diputació sobre municipis i Europa (jo vaig fer la xerrada d'obertura quan la van muntar a Igualada, el febrer) .

En la cloenda, el nostre alcalde Barón va citar l'iniciativa "Pacte d'Alcaldes" promoguda per la Comissió Europea (comissari Andris Piebalgs i la DG Energia i Transports ...).

Una iniciativa innovadora i exemplar en les maneres de fer de la Comissió, que valdrà la pena seguir. Una mostra interessant de les possibles polítiques de cooperació que pot promoure la Unió, sense gairebé pressupost (1,5 Meuros per tasques operatives, sembla).

Potser per aquesta originalitat, gairebé la única qüestió (de moment), ve de l'Agència Municipal de Energía, de Màlaga, preguntant si hi haurán calés europeus ...

La referència europea:

On 29 January 2008 Commissioner Piebalgs launched, on behalf of the European Commission, the Covenant of Mayors, the most ambitious initiative to date involving the citizens in the fight against global warming. It came after an informal consultation process with many cities in Europe. Mayors of several of those European cities joined the Commission in launching the Covenant.

The Covenant consists of the formal commitment of the pioneering cities joining it to go beyond the objectives of the EU in terms of reducing their CO2 emissions through energy efficiency and renewable energy actions.

The Covenant of Mayors will be a result-oriented initiative, focusing on concrete projects and measurable results. The adhering cities and regions will formally commit to reduce their CO2 emission more than 20% by 2020. In order to do that, they will develop Sustainable Energy Action Plans. Citizens will be informed on the achievements of their respective cities through periodic reports, which can be monitored by a third party.

The Commission will support the contribution of the best sustainable energy practices in the world to the Covenant cities and regions through a 'benchmarks for excellence' mechanism.

The Commission formally commits to support and fund a secretariat for the Covenant, funded through the Intelligent Energy Europe programme, in charge among other things of monitoring progress, provide technical assistance and facilitate exchange of experiences.

There are then no conditional clauses of vague statements of goodwill: it is just a selfcommitment by the cities to work for their citizens in concrete policies, measures and projects delivering tangible results in terms of less greenhouse gas emissions.

The Commission also provides public recognition to the Covenant regions and cities, and endeavours to negotiate with financial actors and other parties their contributions to the Covenant. To highlight the ongoing friendly discussions with Committee of the Regions and EIB, for instance.

El Pacte d'Alcaldes s'hauria de signar a primers del 2009, tot i que el termini d'inscripció acabava el passat 30 d'abril. Interessant analitzar les respostes amb els corresponents compromisos !